Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Pear Trees

I am thinking about stuff.....nothing terribly important just stuff....

If you had to choice to be totally beautiful but smell like dead fish, what would you chose? Here in Tennessee, we have pear trees everywhere, they are gorgeous! Everytime, we step outside, we are hit in the face or ummm nose, with the smell of dead fish. It is the PEAR TREES! They are beautiful but smell awful and I am allergic. I still like to look at them. Have you ever thought someone or something was so beautiful only to get close to it and realize it/they have issues like everyone else?

The truth is, I didn't know where I was going to go with this but I think I am going to use this to remind myself that no matter how beautiful a person is, they still may have issues, and it is okay because this is what gives us all the opportunity to be real and see the realness behind the beauty... Embrace the beauty of the pear trees, just hold your nose!

God has a sense of humor.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Promises of Beauty in the Spring

Loving the promises of spring!

everything begins to bloom

after a long winter

Such a gift of hope

for everyone

a new beginning!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hope, peace and sadness

sometimes I feel so much sadness for others
I just feel like I have to make sure I take it all in
and feel it.
Then, I remember there is hope. I can pray for them
I can pray for peace that only God can give
God knows us all and knows how to comfort
each of us individually
Hope is there, just like all the spring blooms
they bring a sign of a new day

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Nurse Cara

I had one of my nasty migraines yesterday...I get very sick with them. I haven't had one this bad in a long time. My youngest child has been so worried about me. She was making me smile even in the midst of pain. Cara brought me a washcloth for my head, put it on my head, hugged me, prayed for me, and sat with me until she went to sleep.

This morning she said "is it better now" and then she said "my mindbrain says your migraine is better"...It is better, thanks to migraine meds and lots of love and prayers from my children. :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Joys of a Little Sister

Ellie had a friend over the other day. They were outside taking pictures and Cara was tagging along. Emma wasn't interested but Cara followed them everywhere. This picture explains it all!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Birthday Blog From Leigh Ann

ok, this is my happy birthday blog to you: it was time to go home, but where is leigh ann? she's in the dryer, she doesn't want to go home. those shrinky dinks that shrunk in the those were amazing...can you believe they let us play with ovens. Steve Miller band...who played at the ryman just the other da...y. I think we had his best years back then. Old movie stars....hearing the names of some of the Lana Turner....we were so cultured! Singing on cassette tapes, gosh I hope those have been destroyed! Christy, some of my favorite childhood memories are with you:) I am so glad we got along at the beauty shop that day...I love you,have a wonderful day.

Leigh Ann, I remember you hiding and getting stuck in the dryer like it was yesterday!!! Love you bunches!

LOVING my birthday!!!

What a beautiful day for a birthday! Thank you God!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Dream is Back

Oh, there you are all yellow and white.
It is so good to see all of the light.
Where have you been, did you go away?
All I could find was a dull shade of gray.
I’m your dream, I’m still here.
You forgot about me.
I had to wait for you to see.
The gifts have been here for you all these years,
they were hidden behind all the tears.
Now paint, write poems, and help others to heal.
You will shine. This time it is real!

Friday, March 19, 2010

In Memory of Isabella Cadena

I remember Emma Thompson Cadena from vacation bible school. We were about 3 and my mother was a teacher there. All the VBS leaders were talking about "cute little Emma". We went to the same elementary schools and high school together. I didn't know Emma real well but I knew she was very sweet, very kind and even though she was beautiful with long dark hair, she never acted like she was any better than anyone else. Through the years I heard that she had gotten married and had a daughter and through Facebook, most all of us, Emma included, got back in tough with each other.

In January, we all learned that Emma's little girl had died from a seizure while she was sleeping, she was 7 years old. After a few days, Emma's husband started putting up pictures of beautiful Isabella on Emma's fb. All of us who looked at the pictures were heartbroken at the loss of such a vibrant child.

I kept feeling like God was telling me to tell her story. There was something about her pictures that seemed so ALIVE. Like her picture needed to be shared and people would feel joy by looking at her. I asked Emma if I could write about her and share her pictures with those who have been praying for her family and my blog readers. Here is her response...she describes Isabella better than I ever could...

Christy I would love for you to share her picture and write about her. I wish you could have known her but you are right you can see a lot by looking at her pictures. She was always happy and in a good mood, she loved everyone she met young or old and if you stood still long enough she would hug and kiss you. She had such a loving spirit and full of life and the things she would say were so funny. We never went anywhere that she did not get the attention of the people around us. She stood out because of her personality. You would not believe the pictures and cards form the students at the school she attended they all knew her from pre-school thru 11th grade and everyone of them said she was so friendly and was always smiling and waving and they would say she was so loving. Thank you Christy for all of your comments. I can not tell you how much it means to me to know that I have a friend who cares. You are a special person. Love,Emma

I have learned so much from this. Sometimes, we all get annoyed with our kids but seeing Isabella's face reminds me that they can be taken from us at anytime and we need to treasure them and enjoy every minute, even when they want to help us pour coffee and spill it everywhere and even when they want to help us cook. They are all so special and each one has unique gifts. I personally have learned from Emma because she is sharing her grief with us. I feel like it is a blessing to know her and a blessing to have seen Isabella's lovely pictures.

One more thing I would like to share. If you have a child who has seizure (Isabella had epilepsy) please be aware they can die. Emma and Ed did not know she could die in her sleep, the doctors did not tell them. If they would have known sweet Isabella would have been sleeping in the room with them.

We will never know until we get to Heaven why things happen. Please share Isabella's story. Let her pictures bless you like they have me. She will live on through everyone who has seen her.

If you have Facebook, you can join her group and see more pictures and leave a note for her family. It is "in memory of Isabella Cadena, we love you isabella"....

Please keep this family in your prayers. I can't imagine what they are going through, only God will can give them peace. To quote Cara "Isabella is really dancing with God in Heaven"...
Sweet Emma, thank you so much for letting me write about your beautiful child. I am blessed everytime I see her face.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Leigh Ann's Birthday Tomorrow!!

I remember being about 4 years old and going to the beauty salon with my mom. I had my doll with me and her eyes changed colors when you moved her arm. I was in my little dress, prissing around. My mom ran into a friend there. She had her little girl with her. She was a tomboy who wanted nothing to do with girl things. She liked me anyway, we played outside in the phone booth in front of the shop. We played Wonder Woman and Superman.

Leigh Ann and I have been friends ever since!!! She will wear girl clothes now but still hates shopping!

Happy Birthday LA, I love you bunches and am so thankful for having you in my life for so many years!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stressed but Blessed

Sometimes, the most stressful days are the days we are given blessings. Today has been stressful for me but I am seeing the ways I have been blessed. Little kisses from God.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Memories With Daddy

My Daddy took me out every Monday night. Every Monday night we would take these silly pictures in the photo booth from where ever we were. Sometimes we took them at the fair, sometimes a store...My daddy would say "keep these forever, you can look back on them when you are grown". I didn't pay much attention to him. He would write the date on the back in his tiny handwriting every single time.
Now, I am sooooo thankful to have these sweet pictures. I love them and treasure them more than anything money can buy. The pictures take me right back to the fun times. I always knew my daddy loved me. What great memories!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Beautiful Weeds

What some might think of as ugly weeds, others can understand and help them grow into beautiful flowers!!
Cara sees these "weeds" as "flowers" every spring and every spring it reminds me to look close to appreciate the beauty and the differences of people.
She picks them in the car line while we wait on Ellie to get out of middle school. I love to learn from the hearts of kids.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Grateful Glasses and Emma's Glasses

Emma got her glasses today! She said "oh, I can read the names of stores now" and she started telling me all the names as we passed the stores.
It is like gratefulness. Sometimes it is hard to be grateful until we look through grateful eyes and then we can see!!!
I am going to try to wear my grateful glasses from now on....

ps- isn't she CUTE!

Another Cool Quote (I love these)

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. --Leo Buscaglia

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to Kim

Happy birthday on the 13th to my friend Kim. Please take some time to celebrate you while you are being strong for others. Thanks for believing in me and being my friend! Love you dearly!

Supernanny Celebration

Happy 100th episode to Supernanny. Our family was blessed to be on the show! Thank you Jo for helping our family and so many others! Keep up the good work!!!

The show was great tonight, I hope everyone got to see it!

New Growth

Every year I get excited about spring and every year I look outside and my flower bed and little sidewalk look like this picture. All grown over with leaves from last year and the weeds have already started growing. Every year I look at the flower bed and feel overwhelmed. Then, when the bulbs and perennials start to grow, I feel like I can get it ready. I see the new growth and get inspired.

God always looks at our new growth. He lets go of our old weeds and helps us with the new growth. Yay!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Little Things

Enjoy the little things today!! You will smile!! xoxo

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Different Feelings

as I walk through life

i take notice

who needs a smile

who needs a kind word

who needs a prayer

I am thankful

friends do the

same for me

sidenote- this is Layla's rainbow. She passed away from cancer today. She was three years old. I did not know her but have been following her story and praying. Please pray for this family and they miss their little angel.
When I sent the rainbow in the car line picture to my friend Kadi, she said "oh, it is a rainbow for Layla" and I agree. :)
I don't know how I am feeling right now. So many people seem to be hurting so much right now. I feel helpless. I am praying.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Written a Few Years Ago

There are so many things
that happen
I can feel but
not really grasp
to stay peaceful
I have to accept the unexplained
this was hard at first
but I can breathe
through it and learn to
live in wonder
to be thankful
for the unexpected
to find joy in the
gifts of color and empathy

Saturday, March 6, 2010


how do we listen?
with our ears, eyes or hearts?
all of the above teach us
if we are paying close attention
learn from everything

Friday, March 5, 2010

Really Cool Quote!

If a woman can only succeed by emulating men, I think it is a great loss and not a success. The aim is not only for a woman to succeed, but to keep her womanhood and let her womanhood influence society. --Suzanne Brogger

Pure Joy With Family and Hot Fudge

Mama celebrating her birthday! She is precious!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Clara Richey (Mama/Mima)

Happy 80th birthday to my mom!!! Clara Mae Ray was born March 5th 1930!!! What a blessing she has been to so many people, including me!!!!
We will take more pictures tomorrow. This is from a few months ago!!!

Time is Healing

Life is so full of ups and downs

I know of so many people going through so much

while trying to be good parents and friends to others

take some time out for yourself

remember it is okay

to feel things, everything will get better

time is healing and people are praying

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Heart Vision

God gave me a little vision (I see in pictures, if you are a new reader) last night. I was praying about the process of forgiveness in a situation where I feel I did nothing wrong. I was praying for God to help me along with this. God knows my heart so well, he knows what I am able to do and what I may not be able to do without a his grace. As I was praying, God gave me a picture, just a little cartoon movie.... He reached down and picked up my heart, it was broken a little, so he put it in his hand and surrounded it with a soft fabric. He told me to leave my heart in his hands right now, while it is healing.

This is SO comforting to me. He KNOWS our hearts, we don't have to make excuses or try to explain because he knows and no matter what, he loves us anyway.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Inspiring Things :)

Things that inspire me and teach me to be thankful and be a better person. Today, I saw movie critic Roger Ebert on Oprah. Since having cancer surgery, he can not eat, drink or talk. He has a computer that talks for him. He sat there on Oprah with his wife, and taught me (once again) to be thankful. He is choosing to be joyful and love life...this is so inspiring to me. I just don't know if I could do it in his situation. He DOES and his wife does too. Right now, I am thanking God for letting me watch Oprah today.
Also, I LOVE the show Undercover Boss. It is where the bosses of huge companies go undercover in the lower level positions and learn how it feels. The employees who put their hearts in those jobs are always so appreciated on this show. I love how the show gives the boss a chance to walk in the shoes of people they would never have met otherwise. Sometimes, they are promoted, sometimes, given scholarships. Most always, it makes me cry.
I just wanted to share these two things with you tonight. :)

Our Full Circle

Please check out my friend Melissa Denton's blog. She writes about her experience fostering kids and her life. It is a great blog! I am so proud of Melissa.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Everyday is a New Day

It is a gift from God that we can start a new day everyday

we can keep climbing

keep trying

keep learning

find new ways to make

a diffence

find new ways to

share a smile