Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just Thinking

Look in the mirror

observe the view

am I looking

at me or you

the pain of others

reflected back

help them see

what they think

they lack-

the beauty

in their soul

thankfulness and


will help

confidence to show

with kindness and

without judgement

they begin to grow

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Ellie!!

I looked into your eyes

to see

my world was no longer

just about me

I had someone

that I loved more

someone so sweet

and small

someone who through

just being

helped me to

stand tall

Happy birthday Ellison Grace Schrage!!!

11 is going to be a great year for you!!

You take my breath away with your

beauty, talent and kindness.

I love you! Mama

Monday, August 18, 2008

The storm

Look for the gifts after every storm....

Friday, August 15, 2008

Being Me

I have spent years worrying about what people thought about me. Trying to make sure I looked like I had it all together. Trying to make sure I looked comfortable doing everything I tried to do.
Now, I have reached a point to where that is no longer important to me. As long as I am kind to people, then worrying about judgement does not matter to me anymore.
I love people. I love talking to people and I love being able to help people. The "worrying about what people think" thing was getting in my way because I couldn't concentrate on being kind and showing love if I was continuously worried about what they thought of me.
Truth is, I never had it all together and I still don't. I probably never will. It is okay. It is by sharing our flaws that we build others up. No perfection needed.
This realization has brought much needed peace to me.
I still struggle with emotions. I am not good at showing emotions. No one showed emotions with me when I was growing up. If my mama was crying it was a MAJOR thing.
Jo Frost did work with me on this during our Supernanny time. It worked. She helped me find the tears they were there all along, just hidden. Now, I just need to be able to show emotion around others. That is my next goal. I'm getting there though, baby steps....
I'm sharing this as a start to let all of you know that whatever you are struggling with, it is okay to share it. It is okay and it will help others. We can all be encouragers and we can all be encouraged.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Color in the Sky

God can paint lovely pictures in the sky.....just sit back and look, look at all the colors...

Monday, August 11, 2008

For my friend Kadi

always believe


you will get through

whatever the world

hands to you

Trust that God

knows the way

to get you through


God will provide peace for your heart

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Accepting Gifts

Accept your gifts with gratitude, then use them to bless others!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My View

To be inside looking out

is strange

Can I help you

with what I see

do you even need

to hear from me

maybe I should

keep it to myself


the colors I feel

are all too real

but no one has to know

does it even matter

is it for me to show


but I don't know

Friday, August 1, 2008

Look for Beauty

I have found

that if I

take a camera


and look for

God's art

I will find it

in flowers

in the sky

in things that


"look at me, See the beauty"

It's there

we just

have to

start looking