Friday, August 15, 2008

Being Me

I have spent years worrying about what people thought about me. Trying to make sure I looked like I had it all together. Trying to make sure I looked comfortable doing everything I tried to do.
Now, I have reached a point to where that is no longer important to me. As long as I am kind to people, then worrying about judgement does not matter to me anymore.
I love people. I love talking to people and I love being able to help people. The "worrying about what people think" thing was getting in my way because I couldn't concentrate on being kind and showing love if I was continuously worried about what they thought of me.
Truth is, I never had it all together and I still don't. I probably never will. It is okay. It is by sharing our flaws that we build others up. No perfection needed.
This realization has brought much needed peace to me.
I still struggle with emotions. I am not good at showing emotions. No one showed emotions with me when I was growing up. If my mama was crying it was a MAJOR thing.
Jo Frost did work with me on this during our Supernanny time. It worked. She helped me find the tears they were there all along, just hidden. Now, I just need to be able to show emotion around others. That is my next goal. I'm getting there though, baby steps....
I'm sharing this as a start to let all of you know that whatever you are struggling with, it is okay to share it. It is okay and it will help others. We can all be encouragers and we can all be encouraged.


Anonymous said...

I can sooooo relate to you here on everything you said Christy. I swear I was reading my own story. Like you said "baby steps". (wink, wink)


Anonymous said...

Christy, this is a great post! You are so right that we build each other up by sharing our flaws and not by being perfect. You have helped many, many people by sharing your struggles and your imperfections (and of course by sharing your talents and grace, as well!) all the while letting people know that they aren't alone. Right on, girl! Keep it up.


charis said...

You have said so very well what so many of us need to hear. As we take these baby steps it does get a little easier and it is a lot easier to walk when we learn to remove the masks-man, those things are heavy! No, we never get it all together and that is actually a good thing because that is what draws us to God and He gives us the strength we need to keep walking and to share with others. It is the people who seem to have it all together who worry me but at the same time i try to be one of those people too! Thanks for your honesty in sharing, Christy. You are doing a beautiful job! Love,charis

Christy said...

Thank you Becky, Casey and Charis! It has been a long journey for me that I am still on but I am learning.

Sharon said...

AMEN. I have been at the same point, and I have reached the point you're at now (finally at the age of 44!). It's so much more peaceful here than there where I was stuck worrying about what people thought, whether I was liked or not, etc. I am a reformed people pleaser, and it's a great feeling to reach for what I want in life. Good luck with your progress.
Oh, I saw your Supernany episode, and it was touching b/c you are such a sweet person, and I was happy to see that Jo targeted deep issues with you. I'm glad she helped you. I was cheering for you!

Christy said...

Thank you Sharon,
It has been a LONG road for me, but I am so much better now.

Wendy Whitlow said...

Great post Christy. As long as God is guiding your footsteps no matter how big or will never be going in the wrong direction.

Isn't awesome we serve a patient God?

Nice picture!


Anonymous said...

Awsome, we need not to let others and their thought on us run what we truly believe in. SO long as whatever you do in life makes you happy and try to be the best and nice as possible, then making yourself happy should flow fine. SOmetimes holding back due to what others may think, can hold you back from great things that may lie ahead. You have to find out what is in store for yourself, no one else will do that for you.....

Sorry, long i know....


Anonymous said...

Being you has always been enough...i think like so many people, and i have really had to search my soul over the past days of being at my mom's, that we have to define and pinpoint where our worth lies. For so long i depended on the affirmation of others to define me. I have to constantly remind myself that my worth is defined by one and Only One...Jesus Christ...He says He created only one me for a reason, and that's enough for you, deb

Anonymous said...

Christy, thank you for this post and for your openness and honesty. I understand about the “worrying what people will think” thing. It can be something at times that just stops us right where we are. With being in the ministry it can be something that is not to far from your mind. I have to stop and remember that it is what God think and not to worry about what others may think. Because I know that it is impossible to please everyone. I know that as long as I keep God my focus I know that He will never lead me astray.

Sorry so long.


Reed said...