Monday, February 8, 2010

Emma's Conversation

I was in another room but I could still hear Emma and Cara talking last night. Emma said "Remember Cara, good will always win"...I was thinking about that statement. It isn't true is it? I am happy with the fact that my 8 year old still believes it but sad that one day her view will be tarnished by something, even if she starts watching the news.

I do believe it is partially right, something good usually comes from most situations. Something good, a lesson, an inspiration to help us with our journey. Maybe this is the best way to look at every situation. We can always hope and pray, the statement will become true!


Debbie Warnock said...

That's sweet...I think Emma's right!

Briana and Bella said...

I think good does always win, Christy. I mean think of it this way, it might take a long time.
Let's think of it this way for one. Spencer and his bullies, one day just you watch, Spencer will grow up to be a marvellous human being and he might be the boss of the bullies! It often happens that way.

Or here's the way I was thinking of it.
At the end of the day, at the end of our lives on Earth, where are the good going? And where are the bad going?

Who wins then?