Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not Knowing

In order to write honestly on this blog, I have to write and tell exactly how I am feeling. I am not real sure I even know right now but I will do my best.
I really love to help people. I always have. In college I was only interested in courses that could help people or I graduated with a degree in Sociology with an emphasis in Women's studies and a minor in psy., also a minor in speech and theater with a theater emphasis. I did all of this without really thinking about why. I just loved hearing about ways to help people.
Right now I am having lots of doubts about myself....I still suffer from depression and even on meds, I am very moody. If I can't even get myself on steady ground then how can I help others anyway? I have always told others that no one is perfect but we all have gifts to be used to help. I am doubting that now, for myself.
Maybe it is because I just had surgery and all the resting has given me too much time to think. I don't know. I don't know what I should do. I don't even know if I should keep writing which I love. I am just really sad.
Debby, I don't know if I can find God in the rain this are always so kind to me, you probably know me better than anyone which is why I tend to run from you most. You have the gift to see past what I am saying and know exactly how I feel so sometimes I run from that. I am sorry for doing that to you.
the end


Becky said...

Christy, don't ever doubt yourself. You are a very caring and wonderful person who cares so much about others. I have been on unsteady ground for how many yrs now and I know what you mean by wondering how you can help others when you can't even help yourself. I've been living like that for over 25 yrs. As you know my meds aren't working the best for me either, but you have given me the inspiration to keep fighting and "believing". You will get out of this and you will find God. Don't ever give up on your writing. You are to good.
Love you

Christy said...

Thank you Becky...Love-Christy

Anonymous said...

Christy, I know things have been pretty rough for you lately which I'm sorry for. But please don't doubt yourself and please don't give up writing. I love your writing and would miss it!! By sharing what you are feeling and going through it does help others and is encouraging!! I know because you have been such an encouragement to me! I pray that you continue to seek God and that you will find Him and that He will give you the strength that you need. Thank you for being you and for being open and willing to share!

with much love,

Melissa said...

The Light will come. I will keep you in my prayers, girl.. keep on writing, the words will come, too.

Big Big Hugs!

Christy said...

Ya'll are so sweet. thank you. I don't really think I could quit writing if I tried. :)