Monday, March 31, 2008

The Gift of Flowers

There once was a garden where small flowers lived

They were happy and pretty

They wanted to give

They wondered aloud how their gifts were best used

They knew with their beauty they couldn't lose

They sat and watched as butterflies flew

and lighted on petals of orange and blue

the flowers were happy

but had more to give

they knew they were there to help others to live


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Last week in my bible study, we were challenged this week to really examine nature and recognize all that God has created. This poem and picture really gives a true perspective of His workmanship. With your permission I want to share with the ladies of my group - tomorrow night. Very nice Christy!



Christy said...

Thank you Wendy!! Yes, you can use it for your class. That is why I share all this!

Anonymous said...

I like this little poem Christy. It made my heart smile! :)

Christy said...

Thank you Gypsy! They are getting happier aren't they?? ha ha