Wednesday, June 16, 2010

End of Fatigue

I really have so much to be thankful for......I can't even begin to mention everything. It is great to finally NOT be tired. I am sore from surgery but up and hanging out with my kids. It is wonderful to have the energy to keep going all day and actually enjoy it rather than wondering how I was going to find the energy. I have always loved writing and have positive thoughts but I was always tired and I didn't know why. Now I know why. A benign liver tumor that wasn't leaving much room in my abdomen. Thank you God. I am now enjoying every minute of my life and I hope to help others too. It is always worth it to keep digging for the cause of fatigue. There is always a reason. I am blessed, grateful and thankful. Photo by sweet Kim who is so nice to think to take pictures for me!


Gloria said...

Lovely flowers and so glad to hear you are up and about again! Even the birds will sound more cheerful for you now and glad you appreciate your good health. Smile today. :)

Anonymous said...

Best wishes, Christie. I am Frank Klostermann, first cousin to Sam Schrage, I believe your father-in-law. I hope your health gets better and better. I live in the St. Louis area, and have a hobby of genealogy. If you ever want any info on the Schrage family side, I can give you some data, but I am not creative enough to get it organized and published.

Christy said...

Hi Frank,
It is nice to here from you. I am feeling much better!
You can find Kyle and Sam on Facebook if you would like to talk to them or you can email me to get their emails!