Sunday, September 28, 2008

A New Journey

I think being depressed is one of the hardest things to admit to yourself. I really had to hit rock bottom (I should put that as my first song on my playlist).... It is easy to say "oh, I am depressed" and just mean a blah mood. It is much harder to admit I have a BIG depression going on and it slipped up on me without me even really noticing.

I was feeling lower and lower everyday. Just like I was alone in a bubble and I jumped out of it enough to laugh with my kids and take care of them.

I am going to the doctor this week to try to find out the cause of it. Since my heart is always to help others, I want to share my journey on this blog.

There is hope, always.....


Anonymous said...

I look forward to hearing you share more, Christy and i believe you have taken a giant step today. As you share more and more i think you will feel lighter. As you lean on God you will feel stronger. He is your hope! I will be praying for you. Love,charis

Anonymous said...

I also think it is great that your going to share this with all.....
You may be the voice for a lot people that feel this way too..... Ya never know just how much this will make a difference for may help them find their voice..... there is hope and i think you will help yourself and others find it just by doing this....
You are the greatest......

Shan xoxoxo

Christa said...

Like a beach ball that has a tear at the seam, you can blow and blow and keep trying to fill it up with all that you have. But the tear lets all the good air out that you try to put in. Unless you patch and mend that fracture; the ball will never be full. So goes the fractures in our heart and soul; they can cripple us forever, leaving us never to feel full. No matter how good our surroundings may be that we try to feel fulfilled with; healthy beautiful families, lovey homes, cars in the driveway, even love and faith in God. Nothing will fill you completely unless and until you can mend the tears in your heart. I pray for your answers and I'm inspired by your courage.
Love, Christa

Anonymous said...

I think that this is so wonderful that you are willing to share this with everyone. You never know who may need to hear/read this and how it will help them. As you are finding your way, you maybe helping someone find theirs. May God give you what you need at the time you need it.

Thank you Christy for being so open and sharing this. You are an encouragement to me! : )


Anonymous said...

Christy-- You are such a strong person, and I love that you can admit when you need help. That's more than half the battle. Be thankful that there is treatment available. I will pray for you, and in the mean time... SMILE:) You are loved!!! Amy

Anonymous said...

YOU GO GIRL!! I love your pictures. I know you do too. Just keep reminding yourself that God puts these in your path to remind you that "never will I leave you or forsake you". When you feel empty, know that He is there to fill you to overflowing.
love you,

Tiff said...


I love you and wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. You are very brave to share this, and I am glad you decided to share, as it will help others. Keep on your journey, and you have friends supporting you alongthe way!

Christy said...

Thanks everyone! Love, Christy