Monday, March 28, 2011

A Story of a Blessing

Hi, I wanted to share a little blessing God put in our path. Last week, when I was having a really hard time with being down, I took Emma and cara to chickfila for dinner. We were sitting there eating and an elderly couple walked in and sat down in the kids section to eat. They were cute and I noticed how nice the man was to his wife. We we finished eating, he walked over to our table, walking slow like an 80 year old man would. He came over and pulled out two little Bibles from his jacket. He said he is a Gideon and they are not allowed to pass out Bibles in school anymore so he was passing them out at Chickfila. He asked Emma and Cara their names and he wrote them in the front of the Bible. Then, he asked their birthdays and he wrote them in this little book. When I looked at the page, it had childrens names written all the way down with their birthdays. I know he uses that list to pray. He walked away and Emma and Cara were beaming. Even though they have Bibles at home, the kindness of this sweet man had touched them. I sat with tears in my eyes...some more kids came in and he got up and ordered ice cream for his wife, and went out to his truck, I know he was going to get more Bibles. This man made a difference in our lives. I don't think Emma and Cara will ever forget him. They read their Bibles out loud (taking turns) all the way home. I hope everyone has a wonderful week, look for all of the "angels" God puts in your paths. Love ya'll, Christy

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